For Muslims, each and every word of Quran is a lesson to follow. I ask the Muslims do they still need the following suras and many more alike to follow, which describe/justify/forbid:
- Muhammad's marriage with his adopted son's wife. (Quran 33:37)
- Muslims cannot marry Muhammad's wives (Quran 33:53).
- Permission to Muhammad to marry as many as women as he can (Quran 33:50)
- Do not enter in to the house of Prophet without his permission (Quran 33:53)
According to Muslims, Quran was revealed for the guidance of the people of Muhammad's time and for the people to come hundreds of thousands of years later. Revelation of the above said suras has no impact in today's life because there is no Muhammad, his adopted son and his wife and Muhammad's widows. There are no more wives of Muhammad. Muhammad is not there to marry as many as women as he can.
What I understand is that these are the suras which do not have anything to guide the people of present time. These suras ware revealed for that specific time.
Therefore, if Muslims claim that Quran, as a whole, has been a source of guidance for them, I believe, is wrong.
Contributed by Zaa Brifd at