Monday, October 29, 2007

Mohammad The Pedophile

Teachings of Islam

"The only reward of those who make war against Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be murdered or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom" Quran 5:33 [AL-MAEDA (THE TABLE)]

Mohammad The Pedophile

PEDOPHILIA : [NL] (1906): sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.

[Scriptural Evidence] Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Sahih Bukhari [the most venerated and authentic Islamic source]

Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Montgomerry Watts states: "Muhammed seemed to have felt a SPECIAL TENDERNESS towards children."

The Moral Standard Muslims look upto, Prophet Mohammad : " ... Sounds like child molestation to me. It does not appear to me that the founder of Islam was a man of peace or good moral character. " - Anonymous.

Muslims Practicing Islam :

Compilation of Ishaq b. Mansur al-Kasaj, ... found in Chapters on Marriage and Divorce, translated by Spectorsky, in the ruling that a woman "IS OF AGE WHEN SHE HAS REACHED HER NINTH YEAR !"

"Two iraqi men, aged 28 amd 34, who live in lincoln, nebraska, married two iraqi girls, aged 13 and 14, in a private Islamic ceremony attended by family and friends. The two men have been arrested, charged with the sexual assault of a child and could be sentenced to 50 years of prison because the marriage age in nebraska is at least 17 years of age. Their attorney argued that the men didn't know about the law and that they were merely following their religious custom of courtship and marriage. Do they really do such things in today's Iraq? " - Abdul Abdi

"The point I would like to make is that The Muslim world has been exploiting young girls for quite sometime now in the name of Islam. These are child abuse and it does occur on a daily basis throughout Islamic world, including your birth place, Somalia. Rich Arab Muslims have been caught on the exit ports of India and Malaysia leaving with clueless, helpless girls clutching onto their dolls and other meager belongings. " - Faisal Hassan.

"Now you want to celebrate American man made system while ignoring one of the things islamic shariah APPROVES. What a shameful statement?!!. Please note: Islamically, there is NOTHING WRONG of marrying FIFTEEN OR LESS as long as they have period and full feminhood signs. Any women reach the age of period can be married if and when she decided to ratify the contract of marraige.. That was the way our Prophet peace upon him got marry Caasha [ Ayesha ] . And that was the way our great Somali women delivered the majority of us. I DON'T THINK YOU WILL DARE TO SAY OUR PROPHET (PBUH) EXPLOITED ON CAASHA. [ Ayesha / Aisha ]" - (Daud7)

Inspired By Islam (What the most famous cleric has to say):

From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990 :

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence throughout her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girls sister.
It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.

How it all began (a long time ago in the isolated deserts of Arabia) :

Already, when Aisha (the daughter of Abu Bakr, Mohammad's closest friend and unquestioning ally) was about 4-5 years old Muhammad started dreaming of a union with her [Ref: SAHIKH BUKHARI, 5:235] and he wasted no time in realizing his dreams, inspite of the fact that object of his dreams was a mere child.Perhaps you want to assume that it is "normal" for a 50+ year old man to dream of marrying a 4-5 old child, and then ACTUALLY ask for her hand at 6?

Is it normal for an oversexed old man (Muhammad had over 9 wives and concubines) to dream of a union with a 4-5 year old girl?

Muhammad (SAW) was basically oversexed, his sexual relationship with Aisha is a special case, which fits his strong need for a larger latitude to satisfy his sexual urge, as is witnessed by:

"The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven)." [Bukhari.1:268]

When she was 6, Muhammad asked Abu Bakr, Aisha's father, for her hand. Abu Bakr thought it was improper, because, as he said "I am your brother"; Muhammad brushed aside Abu Bakr's reservation by saying that it was perfectly lawful for him to marry Aisha [ Ref: SAHIKH BUKHAR I7:18].

What happened to "there is no compulsion in matters of religion ?" Anyway what compulsion did Muhammad need being a prophet his word was law, he restricted men to only four wives when he himself had more than four, that was a convenient exemption for Muhammad.

So, Aisha was betrothed to Muhammad, and 3 years later, i.e. when Aisha was 9, the marriage was consumed. And Muhammad was 53 then [SAHIH BUKHARI 5:236,7:64,7:65,7:88] .

The 3 year waiting period probably had to do with the fact that at that time Aisha had contracted some disease, whereby she, temporarily lost her hair. Aisha was then socially and psychologically still a child as is evidenced by the fact that she was still given to her toys, she was unaware of what was happening around her, and her playmates behave as would the children at present times [Sahih Bukhari 8:151,5:234].

Aisha became Muhammad's favourite wife. And the sexuality in the relationship was predominant [ SAHIH BUKHARI .1.270, 3:36, 7:6, 3:148, 3:149, 3:150, 7:142, IbnSa'd 1pg165 ]. Later, Aisha was to be called the "mother of believers".

If you are wandering, yes, the relationship was pedophilic.

When did the sexual relations between Prophet Mohammad and his child bride begin?

Unfortunately we do not have any video recordings of such events. Neither can we expect that there would be any explicit statements regarding this. In any case it is certain that she HAD NOT reached puberty when she moved into Muhammad's house, which in itself, contrary to the prevailing social norms, is a tacit implication that he may indulge in whatever fantasies he may have had when he asked for Aisha's hand. And Muhammad did have fantasies.

Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151:

Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, BUT the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)

It is, however, very unlikely that Muhammad would have waited for the onset of the menses; or at most it could have been just after the 1st drops. The evidence is necessarily indirect.

# His strong desire to "graze of the (tree) of which nothing has been eaten before", as his other wives had not been virgins.

# Menses or fasting do not reduce Muhammad's desire and potency for sex. His nightly rounds to his wives(lastly 12-13) did require more than average potency.

# New additions to his harem lead to intensive sexual activity, e.g. arrival of Maria lead to increased, initial spurt of sexual activity to the neglect of others .

# The intervals between prayers are used for quick stands "I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it."

# Other wives try to please Muhammad by sacrificing their turns in favor of Aisha.

# During his last fatal illness he cries: "Where will I be tomorrow? Where will I be tomorrow?", seeking Aisha's turn.

Article from

Monday, September 24, 2007

Behind the Veil

Each one of us has bits and pieces of his life’s memories, the dreams of early childhood, all the character-shaping factors. Yes, I remember every moment; I almost remember the moment I was born. This moment is stuck in my memory since my mother told me all about it. It was a Wednesday in 1971. I was the first-born baby girl to my parents. I was the first joy, the first baby crying at our home.

I am the eldest of four sisters. Our financial status was average, like that of any ordinary family. I studied in public schools. My father did his best to provide for our needs. His dream was to give us a good education, especially me. We were all girls, so my dad wished to have a son. He spared no effort to let us have a good share of education and provide us with all our needs. As far as religion is concerned, we were raised with moral values and religious commitment.

My father is a true Muslim. Having been raised in the countryside, my father was keen to maintain all religious rituals and traditions. As for my mom, she was less conservative than my dad. She prayed every now and then. I remember that she always had many arguments with Dad concerning that. He wanted both of them to be a good example for us to follow in all religious matters. I remember that my dad used to get up early for the dawn prayer at a mosque in the vicinity. Sometimes I would wake up to the voice of the ‘azzan’ (call to prayer). I was amazed by my father’s persistence to pray the five obligatory prayers on time at the mosque. Nothing prevented him from doing that, not the cold of winter, the heat of summer, not even during his sickness.

I asked him once, “Why don’t you pray at home in the cold weather?” He replied that the more he would go out to the mosque in such bad weather, the more God would reward him with great compensation. My dad was really faithful to Islam, a conservative, which he still is.

When I was seven years old, my dad encouraged me to fast the whole month of Ramadan (Ramadan is one of the Islamic calendar months that all Muslim are obliged to fast). And then he told me one of the Hadiths (Prophet’s tradition), “Teach them till the age of seven, and beat them till the age of ten.”

I used to feel hungry during the long day of fasting, especially at that age, but I was faithful and patient till the end of the day. I managed to fast the whole month. My dad was very happy and announced the news to all our family members. He was very proud of my religious commitment.

I was very happy knowing that God would reward me according to His promise. But my great joy was to achieve this difficult task. Till the age of twelve I did not pray regularly, and Dad always argued with us about this matter. Discipline in both study and prayer were the most important topics that pushed us into many arguments and tongue-lashings in all our life at home.

Dad had a way to punish us that I strongly rejected. If one of us didn’t pray for any other reason than the legal reasons, he would refuse to eat with us at the same table according to the Prophet’s tradition. I wondered how could the Prophet teach principles likely to cause family dissentions. What kind of a commitment was Dad expecting to come out of such a punishment?

We grew up with the idea that Christians were infidels and polytheists, not worthy of our friendship or companionship. There was one exception to that rule. One of my dad’s friends was a Christian named Fawzy. Dad had known him since his childhood, and they had a close relationship. When he, his wife and their son used to come to visit us in our joyful occasions and feasts, I was always amazed as, after they left, my dad would say: “Oh, Fawzy, it’s a big waste for you to be a Christian. I wish you were a Muslim!”

When I was thirteen, I joined the prep school. On the first day of school all students usually run and fight to get the best seats in class. A girl called Marcella sat beside me. Her name was not familiar to my ears. It was a very new adventure for me. I had to deal with that infidel Christian who sat with me at the same desk for the whole year. Soon I got to know her more and I found myself being fascinated by her. I still remember the innocent beaming of her face. Until now I still remember her tenderness as if it were yesterday, and not many years ago.

I remember she asked me once what kind of sandwiches I had for lunch. I told her that I had a Roman cheese sandwich. Marcella said she had a ham sandwich and suggested we swap sandwiches. I was upset by her suggestion and said to her, “Muslims do not eat pork, it is forbidden in Islam.” So she asked me why. I told her God was protecting us from this meat that was not good for our health. She looked at me, her eyes wandering and resorted to silence. I wondered, if my answer was true and logical why did eating pork not affect all these Christians year by year? I found no answer and I didn’t bother myself searching for one; soon I forgot the whole thing.

The first year of school passed, and our simple and lovely friendship grew. The following year at school, one day Marcella was looking for something in her bag. She put all her books on the table. I picked up her Holy Book (the Holy Bible). I was very curious like never before. My curiosity increased day by day . After that I asked her if I could have a look at her Holy Book. I started to scan the Book. My eyes fell on the words, “Jesus of Nazareth went around doing good.” I asked her who Jesus was. Was He a person? It was the first time I heard His name.

Marcella answered me that He was the Christ. I closed the Book and handed it to her. This phrase stuck in my mind and I had a burning desire to understand it. “A person going around doing good”-- what a wonderful person--to be devoted to doing good! I went home with a deep longing to get a Bible to know more about that person. With a great innocence, I asked my father to get me a Bible and I told him what happened. And you can never imagine what happened! A tremendous outburst of anger erupted at our home. My father made my face black and blue, while repeating two sentences over and over: “Christians are infidels… the Bible is corrupted.” I cried, regretting what I did and repented. However, before long, the same desire came back. I asked Marcella to tell me about Jesus. She told me that He loved everyone and did miracles to help people.

One day, I attended our Islamic religion class. The teacher was a young man with the sign of prayer on his forehead. I had a desire to ask a question I had in mind for a long time. I hesitated to ask because I knew it is forbidden to ask such a question, but I could no longer hold it. Finally I got up my courage and said, “Teacher, can I ask a question? But I mean… may God forgive me.” My tongue was released and I managed to utter the question: “Would it not be more reasonable if the Prophet Mohammed would have helped all the women in their difficult circumstances without marrying them? Would it not be more reasonable if he helped them without marriage being a condition? Would it not be more reasonable if he were not a polygamist?”

The answer was a slap on my face and the word “infidel!” It was the first time I got beaten at school. I felt that I was greatly insulted. I went to the school headmistress to complain and I told her what happened. I told her that I had all the right to ask. It was a common sense question. It was his duty as a religion teacher to answer me. I wondered why he accused me of being infidel. The headmistress was very fanatic. She always rebuked us for not wearing the veil, but she was very wise. She told me that if the Prophet had had relationships with them to only help them, he would have caused them a lot of trouble and exposed them to rumors and suspicions. I nodded, but I was not really convinced. Her answer did not make amends for my insult. It was useless, so I repented again and decided not to pay attention to this matter any more.

My father used to push us to pray consistently, so I decided to commit myself to pray. I realized that discussion and thinking were useless, so I decided to keep the five daily prayers as a duty in order to avoid my father’s curses. I felt coerced. In my first prostration, I asked God to help me finish the last prostration and get over with such a chore. I was not thinking of God, and my prayer did not bring any change in my character. My attitude towards Christians was still hostile, a result of the way we were brought up. Marcella was the only Christian exposure I had. I even avoided passing by the church near our home.

At home, things remained the same for a couple of years or so. Clashes and disputes went from bad to worse between my parents until they did what was likely to change the course of their lives. It was ‘the least recommended of the legitimate’ as they said -- to get separated.

I started to get a new role in my family. I was 16 when, in place of my dad, I had the responsibility as head of the family, caring for my four sisters. I had to focus on three things, namely to get high grades at school, to be a good mother to my sisters and to assume my father’s responsibilities.

I did not allow myself to think of anything else. I finished my preparatory school with high grades. My old dream was to pursue my university education. But, for financial reasons and in order for me to be able to care for my family, my father did not allow me to go to high school.. I started to feel that everything was against me. That feeling was one of rejection and rebellion. But there was no way out of this bad situation. Each year brought more grief, sorrow, and brokenness. I had nowhere to go!

This time I took refuge in God. After all, I had no other choice but to seek God.. I was so weak, so honest and in a dire need of Him. I committed myself to pray and fast, and to follow all of the Islamic ordinances. I started to wear the veil. After I finished each prayer, I used to call upon God and talk to Him a lot, but I felt that my prayers and supplications would hit the ceiling and come back to me with neither an answer nor help or even a hope.

I always felt that God was far away from me, “as far as the East from the West.” After I finished my education, I stayed more than two years at home. I was bored to death of such a routine life, so I started to look for job. It came to my knowledge that a law office had a vacancy for a secretary.

The owner of this law office was a Christian. I was certain that my father would refuse such an idea, but I had to tell him. He categorically refused. When I persisted, finally my dad agreed. Working at a business owned by a Christian, my curiosity for the Christian religion started to arise.

I started with a question to my boss about a picture of the Virgin Mary on the wall behind him: “From where did they get it? Why did they say that Jesus was God while He was born of an ordinary woman, even if His birth was miraculous?” I hardly finished my question, when his anger flared and he said to me in a firm way, “Here there are no questions about religion. It is enough what is going on in the country nowadays.” He meant the awful terrorist attacks that happened in 1991.

So, the fear of that lawyer and his ignorance of his religion forbade him from getting involved in any discussion about religion. Ignorance and fear are more than enough to hide the most awesome beauty. So, I decided to learn more about Christianity, this time from some Christian books in the library of our office. I started to read about the crucifixion, trinity, and the Son of God and His love. I was fascinated by the great love story that appeared clearly with the cross and salvation. I found it to be logical to the mind and satisfactory to the soul. I had an apprehension about getting involved in such readings, so I stopped reading. I asked the help of an Islamic theologian in order to answer all my questions and to help me stop my attraction to Christ.

I went to the sheik of the mosque near my home and told him about my little satisfaction and my great fear. He gave me the instant solution to the disease of searching for knowledge and gave me a recipe that was comprised of three steps I had to follow strictly:

First step: to stop reading about this religion and leave my work,
Second step: to repent, pray and fast three days; and
Third step: to keep on reading the Holy Qur’an everyday.

In fact, I did what the sheik requested except for one item, which was to leave my work. I was afraid that my dad would not allow me to work again. I began to discover something that increased my doubts and worries. When I started reading the Holy Qur’an regularly, I found no healing of my disease. A woman, according to the Qur’an, lacks the insight and the religious commitment, so the inheritance of a man is twice that of a woman!!

Before court, the witness of two women is equal to that of one man (considering that women are less intelligent). So not one of us women could be a doctor, researcher, judge, philosopher, or even a wise person!!!

The majority of people condemned in hell will be women!! Moreover, lots of them will serve as hell’s firewood. Just imagine--we women were created just to please men and eventually we will end up being the firewood of hell or nymphs of Jannah (beautiful women to please men in heaven.)

A woman in Islam should not leave her house except for one of three reasons: to move to her husband’s house, to perform the Hajj, or to be buried. I was tired of all the Qur’anic verses that talked about fights in Islam and the seas of blood that were still being shed in the name of religion. Try to imagine that after twenty-one years of strongly believing in something, it turns up to be false. It was the most difficult time I have ever had. How can someone who used to take refuge in God, all of the sudden live without a refuge and without God?

After a month of sleepless nights, of weeping and crying, and of waiting upon the true God to descend from heaven to earth to answer me, I got tired of thinking. I then went back to read the Qur’an, which left me more bewildered and confused. So, I decided to read the Holy Bible that I may find the truth.

But people said that the original version of the Holy Bible did not exist any more. What could I do? I had no choice but to read this corrupted version of the Bible that I may find the truth between the lines. So, I started to read the Holy Bible and I discovered Jesus, the name that I had heard about long ago, and the name I had been attracted to. I saw how He healed the sick, freed the captives, forgave the adulterous woman, loved and blessed His enemies. For the first time in my life, I discovered what I had never experienced--the fatherhood heart or the motherhood care--because my parents were separated long ago and I was the eldest daughter.

And now I feel that Jesus is my father and mother. I have felt Him hugging me, holding me in His arms like a baby. He took away all my heavy loads that burdened my back. For the first time in my life, I felt that I am a real woman – a real person, really beloved; not a commodity to please men, but created after the image of God. I cried like someone who had been rescued from hell or death. On that day I said to Jesus, “Jesus, You are my God and my Savior. You are my father and my mother; You are everything to me in life.”

From that time on, I turned over a new leaf, full of events, miracles, and persecution, but we will talk about that later.


This is an extract from :

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Islam's Most Famous Spokesman (Ayatollah Khomeini) on Sex.

Khomeini's book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990, Source: Homa

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate; sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

"It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

"A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."

The Little Green Book: Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Phylosophica, Social and Religious, with a special introduction by Clive Irving, ISBN number0-553-14032-9, page 47 Source: Homa

"If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."

The Little Green Book, Source: Harwood's Mythology's Last Gods, 175

"Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel."

Extract taken from

Importance of Sex In Islam

For Muslims, each and every word of Quran is a lesson to follow. I ask the Muslims do they still need the following suras and many more alike to follow, which describe/justify/forbid:

- Muhammad's marriage with his adopted son's wife. (Quran 33:37)

- Muslims cannot marry Muhammad's wives (Quran 33:53).

- Permission to Muhammad to marry as many as women as he can (Quran 33:50)

- Do not enter in to the house of Prophet without his permission (Quran 33:53)

According to Muslims, Quran was revealed for the guidance of the people of Muhammad's time and for the people to come hundreds of thousands of years later. Revelation of the above said suras has no impact in today's life because there is no Muhammad, his adopted son and his wife and Muhammad's widows. There are no more wives of Muhammad. Muhammad is not there to marry as many as women as he can.

What I understand is that these are the suras which do not have anything to guide the people of present time. These suras ware revealed for that specific time.

Therefore, if Muslims claim that Quran, as a whole, has been a source of guidance for them, I believe, is wrong.

Contributed by Zaa Brifd at

Sex and sexuality in Islam

. . . woman is covered from head to toe just to hide her 'awra,' which is the Islamic vocabulary for the part of body that arouses sexual desire in a man, or the 'shame' of her. Thus, sexual organs are shameful parts of a body!

It is a great insult to a woman to depict her entire body as shameful. It is also a great insult to all men . . .

. . . living in an infidel country, I have watched millions of kufur women dressed in very decent as well as not so decent dresses. However, never have I seen a single man jump on a woman in the street to copulate with her, despite her mode of dressing being aphrodisiac or in plain word 'sexy.'

The Islamic concept of sex is based on Bedouin Arab culture, that is barbaric and uncivilized, to say the least, when compared to today's world . . .

Further reading, visit this SITE .